30 September 2024
I am amazed. The red currant I planted in August has little berries on it already, five of them, and so many leaves. I thought
I would have to wait a lot longer.
The irises are blooming, they look really wonderful, especially when the sun is getting low in the sky and the light makes everything seem to glow.

13 November 2024
current music: Songs of a Lost World - The Cure
The red currant berries started to turn red last week.
The tag that came with the plant said to wait one week after they turn red before picking them. I don't know
if that means one week after they start to turn red, or one week after they are fully red. I think I'm
going to pick them in a couple of days, though. I'm looking forward to trying them.
There are three left from the original five.
I have green beans and yellow squash in the veggie patch for summer. I had to replant the squash when the first seedlings
were all eaten by slugs.
I also planted some yellow zucchini and some cucumbers, I'm waiting for those to come up.
Most of my leafy veggies got knocked around by little caterpillars, but the survivors seem to be putting out new leaves, at last.
The spinach wasn't affected. That's the good thing about spinach, the bugs don't like it as much as I do :)