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11 June 2024

We've had some good rain, and the seeds I planted are coming up, along with a lot of toadstools. That means there are a lot of nutrients in the soil, or that's what people say. Only the toadstools really know.

I'm giving up drinking tea on weekdays, including herbal tea.
I don't think drinking warm water instead will give me the reputation of being a boring person, because I'm much too boring to have a reputation in the first place.
I'm hoping to boost my iron levels, and I know I'm going way over what would be necessary for that, but I'm interested to know if it will have any other effects.
It can't hurt, anyway

I'm not that happy, overall. I have a lot of little irritations, and problems that I'm not sure won't turn into bigger problems. I guess I'll just do my best and wait and see, like always.
I'd really like it if something good could happen instead, though.

6 July 2024

The garden is growing well. I have a lot of seedlings, they're looking bigger and healthier despite a few very cold nights.
Some rogue sunflowers that I planted last spring and didn't come up until autumn are still going. I hope they'll make it to spring.
Some jonquils have started to bloom.

I didn't notice any particular effects from not drinking black tea. I'm not really surprised. There's caffiene in it, but not too much of it from two or three cups. Whether adjusting my diet is boosting my iron levels I'll have to wait longer to find out.

25 July 2024

My blog seems to be mostly flora and fauna updates, and that isn't going to change today.

One of the sunflowers has a few petals showing at its centre.
They are all still alive, and it looks like at least one is going to bloom.
At first I only hoped, but when my neighbour said that they would die, then I knew they would survive. They look like those sorts of flowers, contrarians, coming up out of season and staying alive out of spite :)

Saturday, 3 August 2024

Here she is:

A sunflower blooming in winter :)

Also this week:
  • I saw a turtle crossing the road
  • I met a nice dog at the hardware store
  • And I bought a red currant plant while I was there (not sure where I'm going to plant it, though...)
  • I saw some ducks with about half a dozen ducklings

I've never had fresh red currants, only jam, so I hope the plant I bought will grow. They look really pretty.
I guess that the birds will like them too... Uh-oh.

Friday, 30 August 2024

Current Music: Sterneneisen -- In Extremo

I can't believe winter is nearly over. It's gone so fast. Soon I'll be looking out for snakes.
I planted the red currant. In two weeks it's gone from a stick with a couple of green shoots on it to having about nine tiny little leaves and more shoots on it. Still kind of a stick overall, though :)
In autumn I went a little bit crackers and bought 40 iris bulbs, and the first has just bloomed. The daffodils are starting as well.
It's been a bit windy and rainy, and I haven't been out in the garden very much.

Blossom on an almond tree.